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Friday, March 16, 2012


Dear Reader:

Today no one wrote in asking for my crazy but great advice. No pet lovers, no lovers, no, not even presidential candidates. Not even Mr. O himself has written. So I will take this opportunity to bore you with another poem that I wrote a number of years ago. At the time of writing this poem I had just failed in my career as an insurance agent, and the poem is about that experience. After reading this you will also know that I failed as a poet. Link a bunch of failures together though and suddenly you have success..... at something. Enjoy the poem.


I am not a member of the "persuagent"
I found this out as an insurance agent
For twenty-some years I thought I could persuade
Preaching the Christian gospel was my crusade
For all those years I strived to tell
My flock how to live their lives so well
With the Spirit's anointing I gave the passionate plea
For people to accept Christ on bended knee
Many a soul gave their hearts to God
Then bore fruit as life's path they trod

Today I pastor that church no more
Things have changed in my life for sure
But since I thought I had the knack to be persuagent
I thought I could work as an insurance agent
I attended the classes to get my "degree"
My company even paid the fee
They were expecting a lot from me
And that is really how it should be

When I reported for service, I didn't know what to expect
But on the first day I learned the word "Prospect"
This was an order that was standing tall
I had to learn how to "cold call"
Picking up the phone was the hardest part
I really didn't know how to start
"Dialing for dollars" had to become an art
But was very nerve-wracking for an upstart

The few people I did get a chance to see
Didn't make it a habit of buying from me
I tried to be very "persuangent"
But few would buy from this insurance agent
So as a matter of survival
I'd be better off holding a revival
I bid farewell to this "lucrative" career
I'm sorry it lasted only one year

By Rod Speed

Note: From there I went into business for myself remodeling houses and doing carpentry and home repairs for others.

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